We’re thrilled to share our latest strides in sustainable food systems and climate resilience. Through intensive research, we’ve delved into the carbon footprints of key crops, as understanding the intricate connections between resource use, like water, land, and carbon,…
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) reported that dangerously high temperatures and extreme weather events are expected, and the #ElNiño climate pattern is increasingly likely to develop in the Pacific Ocean this year. In other respects, according to the US…
European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2023 (#EGU23), which brings together geoscientists from all over the world and scientists from all disciplines of Earth, planetary and space sciences, will be held online at the Austria Center Vienna (ACV) in…
You can find the article titled “Cross-border Climate Vulnerabilities and Remote Effects of EU, Turkish and African Food Systems: #trade, #climaterisk and Adaptation” written by our project coordinator, Ankara University Water Management Institute Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Göksen Capar.…
Recently, Christianne van der Wal-Zeggelink, Dutch Minister for Nature and Nitrogen Policy; stated that they aim to reduce the #nitrogenemissions from high #agriculturalproduction in the country as it may become a #climatecrisis. The ministry encourages the farmers to quit…
#MedGU22 was held at Cadi Ayyad University Conference Center in Marrakech, Morocco between 27-30 November 2022. Several prominent speakers from different disciplines, including our team, presented their work during the conference. Our paper was titled “A new methodology for…
Our study “A novel methodology to assess cross-border #climate vulnerabilities of #agri-foodsystems: A case study of trade between Europe, Morocco, Egypt and Turkey” is accepted for oral presentation in Mediterranean Geoscience Union Annual Meeting (#MedGU-22). MedGU-22 will be held…
This year, we participated in the 13th #AGROSYM event held in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 6-9 October 2022 with our speech titled “Water #footprint of Apricot Production: A Key Exported #crop in Turkey”. AGROSYM, an annual platform for international…
World Trade Organization (@WTO) Director-General Ngozi Okonjo Iweala participated in the Africa Adaptation Summit on September 5 hosted by the @Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) in Rotterdam, Netherlands. She said that trade policies should be incorporated into global #climateaction…